Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Six weird things about me

Kim at In Full Bloom tagged me for the following "weird" meme.

1. I specialize in weirdness. Seriously, I seem to attract weirdos. Once in college, this strange guy came up to me, handed me a note, and walked away. The note said he had a feeling he needed to get to know me and if I thought so too, I should call him. (I never did.) When I worked in an office, people came to me with all their weird questions. They would even begin with, “I have a weird question,” so my motto became, “I specialize in weirdness.” If you have something weird, bring it to me.

2. I once danced in the Superbowl halftime show. Is that weird? Maybe not. But it is weird that back then, there were no celebrity performances. Today, you can’t really have a Superbowl halftime show without a big name attached. It’s also weird that I went from someone whose legs wouldn’t be still -- who lived to dance -- to, well, the person I am now. I still love to move. For example, nursing Flybaby for 45 minutes makes me itch from the bottoms of my feet to the pit of my stomach.

3. I like peanut butter on plain yellow cake. My stepmother, a professional cake decorator, thinks this is weird. When she would make a cake and cut off the tops to make the cakes level, I’d scoop out some peanut butter and slather it on the cake tops. Yum.

4. I have a hat collection. The hats are in two rooms of the house. Some of the hats are vintage. Some of the hats fit. Most of the hats are now gathering dust. And as many hats as I have, sometimes I still want to get more. This past Christmas, I pointed out a special hat to JP as a hint for a gift, and he gave me a look of pity. What’s even weirder is once I read an article about a model who has the same birthday as I do, and she also has a hat collection!

5. I love to travel, but I hate flying. Oh, the places I would go . . . if I could muster the courage to get on a plane again. JP and I flew to the Bahamas for our babymoon last June, which was fun. I mean, not the flying part, but the actual babymoon. Most of the must-see places on my list require flying. If I could just take a knock-out pill and be unconscious for the trip, I think I’d be OK. Wake me up when we get there!

6. I have a missing tooth. I know, you’re thinking I’m a backwoods hick or something, but I don’t think it’s that noticeable. My tooth weakened because my face slammed into the windshield during a car crash when I was 17, and the tooth broke later while I was eating a salad. An oral surgeon suggested an implant, but that meant filing down the two teeth beside the missing tooth, and I thought, “What the hey?! Why ruin two perfectly good teeth just to fill in a gap?” I know I should get with the times because everyone seems to be doing cosmetic dentistry, but I guess it’s just not a priority with me . . . .

OK, even though this smells like a chain letter, I’m tagging the following bloggers to write about six weird things about themselves: The Pregnant Pause, h&b, Newlywed Land, soleclaw, My Journey and Interrupted Wanderlust.

“According to the rules, each player of this game starts with the '6 Weird Things about You.' People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says, ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog!”


Blogger Nichole said...

You go girl! Dancing at the Super Bowl would be super fun.

I already did this meme in December! Ah! here's the link: http://soleclaw23.blogspot.com/2006/12/weird-meme.html

I don't think anyone I tagged even did the meme! lol

12:34 PM  
Blogger Heaven said...

Well thanks for stopping by and voting for me I guess. :) I've got $25 wanna go for coffee?

Ok so you're not so weird at least not in my book anyway. Look at the family I married into.

Seriously, I danced in a cage once, does that count as being weird? I love peanut butter on hot dogs roasted over a fire - with no bun. There are plenty of people that think that's weird, but try it, really it's great!

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm figuring out what to put for the meme. Stay tuned...it will show up in a few days. :)

10:28 AM  
Blogger Mamacita Tina said...

I have to admit, I hate to fly also. Take a ship, forget about it, that's even worse. I guess I'll never see Europe.

6:00 PM  
Blogger LBA said...

I attract weirdos too, even when I put on my 'don't-mess-with-me-face", they'll still try to strike up a conversation - why ?!

And can relate on the toothy business. Ugh. Teeth.

I shoulda married a dentist ! :)

11:56 PM  
Blogger LBA said...

I attract weirdos too, even when I put on my 'don't-mess-with-me-face", they'll still try to strike up a conversation - why ?!

And can relate on the toothy business. Ugh. Teeth.

I shoulda married a dentist ! :)

11:56 PM  
Blogger LBA said...

urgh - sorry about the triplicate.
Stoopid blogger !

11:58 PM  
Blogger LBA said...

I attract weirdos too, even when I put on my 'don't-mess-with-me-face", they'll still try to strike up a conversation - why ?!

And can relate on the toothy business. Ugh. Teeth.

I shoulda married a dentist ! :)

12:00 AM  
Blogger Kristi said...

Dancing in the Super Bowl? Wow-that's very cool. No one would let me anywhere near any event that involved dancing. I have two, very left, feet.

I'll do this meme soon!

8:40 AM  

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