Saying it forward

This week, I continue with other fabulous mamas.
Kristi at Interrupted Wanderlust. She really should win the commenting prize of all time because not only does she have an active toddler at home, but newborn twins! And she still manages to blog and comment! I can't figure it out. But I'm grateful and honored because I know how precious her time is.
Elizabeth at My Bloggy Life. We share the same birthday! What else do we have in common? Uhh.... we both have a little boy with blond hair. We both blog. (Duh.) But she surpasses me in her craft-making and sewing. And she's a teacher. And a basketball player. And she lives near the Canadian Rockies. Our differences don't matter, though; she's just fun.
Carabee at Land of Bean. She has an adorable little girl and fun things to say. She can rock a cute haircut. And you should see the great wedding photo on her sidebar. Carabee is so ambitious that she is doing the "101 things in 1001 days." She always seems to have something fun going on or a funny take on what's going on.
Psst! If you're not on my blogroll but would like to be, just let me know. I've had some new readers in the past several months and don't want to leave anyone out.
I am so loving this! You are so much more organized than I am!
Very interesting. Nice job describing these blogs. I'll have to check them out.
Thanks girly, for recognizing me and for your kind compliments.
It's cool to see the things that we have in common.
Have a great day!
okay, I'm not afraid to say. Here goes: I would love to be on your blogroll. okay, there, said it. Okay, now I'm going to eat something with sugar in it
Aw shucks! What a nice surprise! Thanks!
I'm on your blogroll and thanks for updating the link! Lots of folks forgot to do that and the old blog is still getting a lot of hits.
Thanks so much for sharing these, but HELP!, when will I find time to read MORE?
Don't see my site on your blog roll, but would love to be there. I haven't looked at mine in ages--I need to do that, I guess!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Go Steelers!
I am on your are on mine...we are good:)
This is fun! But don't even mention blogroll. Mine is so painfully outdated I'm just debating getting rid of it for a while until I can get more on the ball!
Aww.. thanks so much for the mention. I can blog and comment because I get very, very little sleep. ;) Also, blogging and commenting keeps me sane, or at least, relatively sane.
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