Just like potato chips
Babies are addicting! Now that I have Flybaby, I -- I'm almost afraid to write or speak the words -- I ... I think I'd like another child.
Not right away, see.
And I may change my mind when Flybaby starts throwing public tantrums and flushing the cat down the toilet and painting on the walls and locking himself in the bathroom and doing all those other wonderfully embarrasing toddler things.
But Fly is so amazing. And it's so nice to have a baby to cuddle. In spite of the pregnancy fatigue and acid reflux, the pain of labor and my clumsy, painful attempts at continuing to breastfeed Flybaby, it would be nice to give him a sibling so he's not alone when JP and I are gone.
I really thought if I ever had a child, it would be just one. But now, now....

If I do try for another child in a couple of years, I just might go on a procreation vacation. I would definitely spring for a pregnancy body pillow to help me sleep better at night. I would try to gain less weight. I might have fancy custom M&Ms at my baby shower/welcome baby #2 party.
The good thing about being pregnant again and having another baby is that, other than those things I just mentioned, I have all the clothes and gear already! Might as well put it to good use....
Not right away, see.
And I may change my mind when Flybaby starts throwing public tantrums and flushing the cat down the toilet and painting on the walls and locking himself in the bathroom and doing all those other wonderfully embarrasing toddler things.
But Fly is so amazing. And it's so nice to have a baby to cuddle. In spite of the pregnancy fatigue and acid reflux, the pain of labor and my clumsy, painful attempts at continuing to breastfeed Flybaby, it would be nice to give him a sibling so he's not alone when JP and I are gone.
I really thought if I ever had a child, it would be just one. But now, now....

If I do try for another child in a couple of years, I just might go on a procreation vacation. I would definitely spring for a pregnancy body pillow to help me sleep better at night. I would try to gain less weight. I might have fancy custom M&Ms at my baby shower/welcome baby #2 party.
The good thing about being pregnant again and having another baby is that, other than those things I just mentioned, I have all the clothes and gear already! Might as well put it to good use....
I've been fighting baby fever for 2 years now. Everytime I'm just about to break down Hailey has a "difficult stage" and I bless my IUD.
I definitely feel we got our money's worth getting to use everything again. Do we have inklings of a third? Laurel sees to it that we keep it at two.
Wow. I give you credit. Having a baby has made me say "NO MORE KIDS"..just the opposite of you. Yes, it'd be nice to give Maddy a sibling...but to do IVF again with the possibility of having twins (or more)...and to do labor again...and to go through all these sleepless nights. I just don't think I'm cut out for it.
Perhaps my parents thought the same thing--- cus I'm an only child! LOL
I started feeling the exact same way when she was 2 months old. I'd like another one & I'm not getting any younger, but it is NICE not to be pregnant. I see pregnant women looking miserable & think that was me last year!
Custom M&Ms?! Glad you are enjoying fly baby so much. That is awesome :)
ha ha ha! I made a short list of things I wanted if I were to get pregnant a second time: expensive maternity jeans (they still fall down!), a good baby naming book (haven't decided yet!) and a snoogle pregnancy pillow (I need to have a coach or online tutorial to figure out how to roll over).
We wanted 5 kids. Until we had one! With the 2 under 2 now, we are both kind of burnt out*. I know I will want more, but not for a while!! LOL
But good for you. Having the kids close together really makes them close friends. I can see it in mine already.
*I have had 3 pregnancies in the past 3 years. We have been married 3 years. 'nough said.
I hear you. We didn't start until we were 30, and when Rylan was about 6 weeks old I told my husband it's a good thing we're not 25 or I'd want ten! We'll stick with two...
You brave, brave, soul. I want at least a few years before going through THIS again!!
CUTE DESIGN BANNER! I might consider another one. LIKE I AM NUTS! Anyway, yeah we didn;t know the sex of the baby so all the clothes we kept are white and ivory so...if it happens again...we're fine!!
Ha, you're so funny. I can see what you mean, having four myself, but it also depends on what kind of a child you have. After number 2, who was colicking and drove me crazy, I swore I'd never have another. But #4 was the perfect baby. It's a lot like gambling, who knows what you'll get but they're still wonderful. If you have any news to share, I want to hear it first.
I feel the same way. I went through IVF to have Ella, but I would do it again in an instant...well, maybe not an instant, but in a few years. LOL.
I'm really enjoying your blog, btw.
I had a daughter in September of '04. We had our second daughter in May of this year. It's a different experience the 2nd time around, but every bit as magical. I am rapturously in love with these girls and my husband and the prospect of one more if we're lucky. So happy to hear you were able to stick it out with the breastfeeding. Such a gift. Have fun with oyur wonderful little boy and whoever else you may have join your family! PS You can get back into that bikini!
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